Tamra, Jezreel Valley


Council Gilboa Regional Council
Population 1,300 (2006)

Tamra (Arabic: طمرة‎; Hebrew: טַמְרָה‎‎ or תַמְרָה) is an Arab village in north-eastern Israel. Located in the Jezreel Valley, it falls under the jurisdiction of Gilboa Regional Council. In 2007 it had a population of 1,300.



A village was here in the Byzantine period; tombs and remnants of two churches have been found.[1]

Under the name Thamra, it was mentioned as part of the domain of the Crusaders during the hudna between the Crusaders based in Acre and the Mamluk sultan al-Mansur (Qalawun) declared in 1283.[2]

In the late nineteenth century, the SWP described Tumrah as "a village of middling size, perhaps 50 or 70 houses, situated on high ground, and surrounded by plough-land." They also noted that there were ruins on the south side of the village.[3]

At the time of the 1931 census, Tamra had 34 occupied houses and a population of 193 Muslims.[4]

See also


  1. ^ Yoram Tsafrir, Leah Di Segni and Judith Green (1994). Tabula Imperii Romani: Judaea, Palaestina. Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. p. 239. 
  2. ^ Dan Barag (1979). "A new source concerning the ultimate borders of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem". Israel Exploration Journal 29: pp. 197-217. 
  3. ^ Conder and Kitchener, 1881 p.87- 88
  4. ^ E. Mills, ed (1932). Census of Palestine 1931. Population of Villages, Towns and Administrative Areas. Jerusalem: Government of Palestine. p. 76. 


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